Buy Thug Pug Genetics Seeds Online

Buy Thug Pug Genetics Seeds Online

Thug Pug Genetics is a renowned cannabis breeder that has gained popularity in the industry for its unique and exotic strains.

The company is known for producing high-quality, potent, and flavorful cannabis varieties.

Thug Pug Genetics has developed a reputation for its cryptic and sometimes controversial communication style, but its strains are highly sought after by cannabis enthusiasts.

The company’s flagship strain, Thug Pug OG, is an indica-dominant hybrid with a complex lineage that includes genetics from strains like WiFi Carbonite and OB Ripper.

Thug Pug Genetics has also created other popular hybrids like Hoof, Nom Nom, and Thugs Breath.

However, the company has faced some challenges, including reports of scams and counterfeits using the Thug Pug brand name.

Despite these issues, Thug Pug Genetics remains a respected and influential player in the cannabis breeding community.

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